Hoda Allahbakhshi

Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi is an Academic Associate at the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) and the Group Leader of the «Inclusive Mobility and Sustainable Transport» research group in the GIS unit of the Department of Geography, University of Zurich. Her current research focuses on the macro scale of human movement, analyzing spatial accessibility, with a specific focus on underserved population groups such as mobility-disabled persons and older adults facing age-related mobility limitations.

About the talk

March 9, 12:00 – 12:30

ZuriACT: Zurich Accessible CiTy – Why Contextual Information Matters

Existing routing services and digital maps fail to provide practical navigation guidance for persons with mobility impairment or restrictions due to the lack of accessibility features (e.g., sidewalk inclination, crossings, and ramps), i.e., external contextual information to the needs of these user groups. This deficiency leads to incomplete routing results or outcomes that may not consistently reflect real-world conditions. The ZuriACT pilot project, a collaboration effort between the University of Zurich and the City of Zurich, aims to remedy this situation by providing a basis for a systematic collection and enrichment of accessibility features with and for citizens in Zurich.

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